Craft a working life you love
AND, if you are a solopreneur establishing a business, discover how to grow your business in a way that will attract people who will want to work with you
The approach to designing business came from a mechanistic approach (from the start of the 20th century), arising out of scientific materialism.
So it's hardly suprising when they become a drag and a drain on your energy.
Difficult experiences are inevitable and our culture tends to discourage uncomfortable conversations and to suppress painful emotions.
(and men are encouraged to only express theselves through anger)
Learn how to value this tension as a source of growth and creativity.
Normalise open, honest, respectful conversations, celebrate the creativity that emerges and the business advantage.
I call this 'composting your emotions'. Nature doesn't waste anything. Everything is used to encourage new growth.
Don't waste your difficult emotions.
Show how to lead the way to your work ecosystem (colleagues, customers and employees) by starting with you.
These are some of the 1to1 programmes I offer.
I have been there and I know how difficult it can be. I can support, encourage, guide and inspire you to allow your true self to emerge.
I also design bespoke programmes to meet specific client objectives.
Grow Back Strong
Be inspired by the opportunity that emerges when you 'compost' your challenging work experience.
Post traumatic growth shows us how you can grow something beautiful from any difficult experience.
3 month virtual 1to1 programme
(and 1 year's membership of the Grow Back Strong community)
Natural Leadership
Discover your natural creativity. Use this to show what it means to lead yourself and inspire others to do the same.
Feel in control of your career. Show compassion for yourself so you can be compassionate toward others. Understand how work can be joyful.
Put into practice the belief that work was meant to be joyful and not hard.
Understand how this is supported by naturalistic work practices.
Practice this new (self) awareness to guide your direction (no quick fixes or 10 step plans here).
6 month virtual 1to1 programme
Rewilding You!
Rewilding is what happens when you have been freed, untamed; and your true 'wild' self is revealed!
(Warning: this does not involve spending time living in iron age encampments, being dropped in the Scottish highlands, miles away from civilisation or becoming a hunter gatherer 🤣)
We have all been conditioned to fit in and to play our part in what we call Western civilisation. In particular we have been trained in how to be a productive member of the workforce.
We might say that we have been domesticated. What would it mean if we were undomesticated or rewilded?
Who might you be if you were to connect to your true nature, to allow yourself to fully express what it means to be you?
12 month hybrid programme (4 to 6 participants)
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